About Brandi



Training Administrator

Think scheduling's a nightmare? Not on my watch! CE credits got you stressed? Consider it handled. My eye for detail is sharper than a hawk with a caffeine addiction, and I keep things organized.

Before I joined ICA over two years ago, I spent nearly a decade in the medical field. Juggling clinic chaos and administrative tasks honed my skills in handling tricky situations, problem-solving like a boss, and prioritizing responsibilities like a champ.

But here's the thing: I'm not just about keeping the gears turning. I'm a lifelong learner, constantly on the quest for new skills. Coding? Web design? You bet! Because let's be honest, the more I know, the more I can streamline this whole training rodeo.

The best part? Seeing instructors become rockstar teachers and students transform into knowledge ninjas. Sure, I can help with login woes and answer a question or two, but the real win is empowering those who empower others. That's the magic (and maybe a sprinkle of spreadsheet sorcery) that keeps me going.

When I'm not wrangling pixels or spreadsheets, you can find me exploring nature with my rambunctious dog, creating art, reading a good book, or conquering video games.